Welcome to Virtual Ink Spots
While Ink Spots is on Sabbatical, this is the place to get the news online. Most of this will be mailed out to members also.
August 1: A report from Terry Connelly from a writers’ conference in Mendocino:
I just found out that my short story “Happenings” won first place in the MG/YA category and will be published in the Noyo River Review.
Congratulations, Terry!
July 25: Shoutout – Lally Pia to speak at Banter Bookshop
Lally Pia’s journey to become a physician began shortly after her birth in Sri Lanka when her father attended a worship service where he was told by a revered holy man that his daughter, Lally, would become “a doctor of doctors.” The journey turned out to be a tortuous one that took her from Ghana to Wales to California and from an abusive marriage to scooping ice cream to dismembering body parts for the Donated Body Program at UC Davis. Her grit and determination eventually resulted in her becoming a child and adolescent psychiatrist and a happy family life.
Lally’s story is uplifting one. Come here her speak about her memoir, The Fortune Teller’s Prophecy: A Memoir of an Unlikely Doctor, and bring your friends on Thursday, August 1 at 7:00 pm at Banter Bookshop, 3768 Capitol Avenue in Fremont. The event is free, but because of space limitations, Banter Bookshop requests that attendees pre-register at https://banterbookshop.com/events or by telephone at 510-565-1004.
July 23: Shoutout from Pat Doyne
FAW members and friends are invited to the next Zoom meeting of the Alameda Island Poets on Wednesday, August 7, 7pm. Pat Doyne will be one of the featured readers. An open mike will follow the presentation. For zoom access, contact Cathy Dana at cathydana@gmail.com. The following night, Thursday, August 8 at 7pm, Pat will guide the Alameda Island Poets’ monthly workshop. Topic: Ekphrastic Poetry. All are welcome.
July 17: Two Ink Spots today.
From Anita Tosh:
In June I made a new contact on LinkedIn. It was Mike Briggs from a writer’s podcast called Briggs on Books. It was very easy to schedule an interview, and it was FREE!
When I looked closer, I found if I wanted a copy of the interview to post on my own social connections I could purchase it for $45. There were other options as well, but I went for the do it yourself $45.
This is a podcast just for writers so I highly recommend it. Many people go there to find their next read. If you would like to see my podcast it is posted on my website: booksbyanita.com
If you want to schedule a podcast interview for yourself, go to CentralValleyTalk.com and click on “Be a Guest” to schedule your own podcast interview.
And a lovely photo and caption submission by Leticia Escalera
Thanks, Leticia, for those beautiful pictures.
June 29 – Shoutout from Dave Strum
Now available on Amazon! Super Holly Hansson in: The Rise of the Stumpfinger!
Dave M Strom has just released his latest book starring Super Holly Hansson: Comic book writer, geek girl, mightiest superhero on Earth. Super-strength, super-telekinesis, flight, super-short temper. The main heavy (and is he ever!) is Billington Stumpfinger: orange-topped power-hungry bigly fathead (you can guess who he is based on). In these short stories, Billington Stumpfinger rises from failed casino owner (how do you lose money at THAT?!?!) to running for President of the USA. Along the way, Super Holly fights him and other villains, and she works with other superheroes, including her black cowled, caped, body-armored soulmate, Cal “The Intellectual” Critbert, crimefighter and movie critic and her kissable Bat Boy.
Note: This is a prose book written in comic book style, like Adam West and Stan Lee. Maybe my writing style will help you see the action, BIFF BOFF KA-POWIE!
June 25 – Shoutout from Myles Garcia
Myles has a play to be performed at the Playwrights’ Center of San Francisco on July 22, 7 pm. The performance is on Zoom, and is free. Attendees get to vote on the five plays (10 minutes each) that are performed, and the two with the highest votes get to move on to a live performance competition.
Here is the registration link:
June 10 – Two shoutouts and a flash fiction
Lally Pia’s memoir “The Fortune Teller’s Prophecy: A Memoir of an Unlikely Doctor” was published by She Writes Press April 30 and is available as an audiobook, electronic form or as a paperback. It recently won First Place in the Hearten category for Inspiring and Uplifting memoir (CIBA’s International Book Awards) and also won a bronze medal at the IPPy’s. She will be reading from it at Banter Bookstore in Fremont on Thursday, August 1 at 6pm. Congratulations, Lally! Here is Sam Rodriguez’s entry to the Barnes & Noble Flash Fiction contest. I know I voted for it! If you entered, please send your entry for publication in the Virtual Ink Spots. My Brother I was trying to concentrate on a movie I had to watch for my creative writing class. The assignment was to view the film and then write a paper on it to turn in the next day. But my thirty-nine-year-old brother, Danny, who is special, made my effort to watch the film an ordeal. He kept saying, “Tiger,” his nickname for me. I said, “Danny, shut up! “Tiger!” “I can’t deal with you!” My mother scowled at me, then took Danny by the hand and led him away. After I finished watching the film I went to my room to write the paper. I struggled to stay awake. I fell asleep with my face on the desk. In my sleep, Danny appeared. Only he wasn’t fidgeting with his hands or making indecipherable noises as usual. He looked straight at me and said, “You should be nicer to me. I’m your brother. It’s not my fault I’m special.” I was stunned. “Danny, I’m sorry. It’s hard dealing with your behavior. Unfortunately, we’re both in a tough situation.” Danny walked over and gave me a hug. Then I woke up with my face in a puddle of saliva. I went to the kitchen for a snack. Danny was there, eating a sliced apple. I felt sorry after my dream. Danny couldn’t verbalize it, but maybe he felt guilty for interrupting me while I watched the film. I grabbed a cookie. Danny said, “Cookie!” I gave him the cookie, and he gave me a slice of his apple. I let him say “Cookie!” over and over again. For those few minutes, Danny mattered more than my paper.
Information on CWC, from Evelyn LaTorre
* Articles on the craft of writing and notices of book launches can be sent to calwriters.org, and funneled to the CWC publications tab.
* Roger Lubeck announced that the 2024 CWC Book Visions and Verse, a Fusion of Art, Photography, Prose and Poetry, will be available August 15th on Amazon for $35. It’s a 200- page softback book in full-color. Once published, the book will be available as a PDF.
* The CWC Literary Review 2024 is expected to be available in December.
Bob Garfinkle will be the keynote speaker for the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers at their annual conference on July 27, 2024. The conference will be on Zoom.
Pat Doyne will have eight Lake Chabot landscapes in an art show from June 13 to September 14 at HAHS Art Gallery, 22380 Foothill Boulevard, Hayward.
More information at www.haywardareahistory.org
Don’t forget – FAW members can renew their membership starting June 1. There is a link to the renewal page, in large, friendly letters, on the FAW home page.
Here is a link to the Bay Area Book Festival, happening June 1 and 2.
Note that this is not a FAW event, and there is a charge for some events.
Here are two are from events happening in June. They are not FAW events, but are free of charge.