Welcome to FAW 2024-2025!!!



President’s Message  – November 2024

Ok, so I am sitting in our backyard in early October enjoying the wonderful breeze in the shade of our huge avocado tree…it covers a majority of the yard, giving blessed respite from the oppressing heat that has blanketed the Bay Area for far too long this fall season. I’m suddenly reminded of just how much I have to be thankful for…which reminds me that Thanksgiving is not all that far away. This segues my thinking process into action; I realize I need to get busy coming up with a thought-provoking message for November’s Ink Spots newsletter!

Obviously, Thankfulness comes to the forefront, and reminding me of how very wonderful life can be when we take time to count our blessings. For lack of space, I won’t make you suffer through the multitude of random remembrances that dance through the ethereal infinity of my cogitations, but it should suffice that I have more than my share of things to number, even more if my senior brain cells were clicking properly.

I’m going to try to corral these into a spur of the moment acrostic, which is my “go to” mode when I want/need to get the most said in the least word count.


Thanking is a powerful vehicle for opening new doors of opportunity.

Heartfelt gratitude can never be faked, as it shines out through glistening eyes.

Appreciation is a gift that keeps on giving, as it opens avenues of progress and hope.

Nourishment for the soul comes when we give unselfishly to others.

Kindness can never leave us with a feeling of regret or doubt, as we ultimately benefit.

Service to others is the force that attracts positive energies of virtue and humility.

Gratefulness multiplies itself and showers all in its space with happiness and joy.

Inclusion works miracles of loyalty and unfailing commitment of support and strength.

Visual actions speak volumes…much more than written words can project.

Intentions of the heart can be felt as if shouted from the rooftops, choose wisely.

Nurturing naturally is a gift to be coveted, never to be taken for granted.

Giving…of self, of love, of time, of plenty, we can never out give of our blessings.

My sincerest “Thanks” goes out to each and every one of you, our faithful members, colleagues and friends, all the best wishes and hopes for a Wonderful and Prosperous Holiday Season. I look forward to the coming gatherings, whether on our Zoom opportunities and/or in person at our upcoming December Get-Together.

With Gratitude,

Terry Tosh


 See the November 2024 edition of Ink Spots on the Newsletter Page.

All FAW members will receive  Zoom information the Tuesday or Wednesday before the next meeting in November which will be November 23.   Our November speaker will be Jane Cleland! Information is below. Not a member? You can join FAW today on our Join Us page.  But anyone can attend by requesting Zoom information from Scott Davidson. 

Our meetings are 2 – 4 PM, PDT or PST. The current CWC Bulletin has it wrong.

Want to join FAW? You can also do it on-line, at our Join Us page. Fill out the form and then pay using PayPal or your credit card.



See books by FAW Members on the Bookshelf page. Two new entries just added!



We had a great FAW picnic Saturday, July 13, postponed a week due to heat. Some pictures are below.

See more pictures at the Past Events page.


New!:  The FAW Bookshelf is now available. See the books FAW writers have published. If you are a member and your book is not there, send a jpeg of your cover, a link to where the book can be bought and a one sentence summary to Scott Davidson.

FAW Needs You!!!

We need volunteers for the following unelected FAW Board Positions:

Hospitality Chair

welcomes, introduces, contacts, & encourages newcomers to join FAW

Service Coordinator

finds & assigns helpers to assist FAW committee heads

Membership Chair

collects new member info & updates CWC data base, co-ordinates w/ FAW Treasurer

If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact any FAW Board Member or come to our General Meeting the fourth Saturday of every month except July and December. Details about our next General Meeting are below.

New!: The full CWC Users Manual is available here. It’s a 190 page pdf, so be warned.

The September 2024 Ink Spots Newsletter is now available on the Newsletter Page.

You can submit your Shout Out to Ink Spots on the Newsletter page also, using a handy form.  Have a story you’d like to submit to Ink Spots? You can submit it using the Shout Out form too! Don’t worry about formatting, Ink Spots will take care of it.


Come to the Zoom Write-in, second Saturday of Each Month.

Our  next write-in will be November 9.  Get Zoom information from Scott Davidson

See all the Shelter in Place (SIP) notes here. Click on the one you want, or scroll down to see them in reverse order.

We made it up to SIP Note 55!!! Since we’re not sheltering any more, we’re done! (Hooray!)

Send questions and comments about the FAW Website to Scott Davidson  

New!!!! See all our upcoming events on the FAW Calendar











Now Held Online



micWriter’s Salon
7-9 p.m.

 fourth Monday of the month.














Fremont CWC Bay Area Writers