FAW Officers for 2022-23 Elected
At the Fremont Area Writers meeting of June 2023, the following were elected, by acclamation, to serve as branch officers for the new CWC year 2023-24:
President—Terry Tosh
VP— Knuti VanHoven
Secretary—Pat Doyne
Treasurer—Cherilyn Chin.
Congratulations to all.
FAW Needs You!!!
We need volunteers for the following unelected FAW Board Positions:
Hospitality Chair
welcomes, introduces, contacts, & encourages newcomers to join FAW
Service Coordinator
finds & assigns helpers to assist FAW committee heads
Membership Chair
collects new member info & updates CWC data base, co-ordinates w/ FAW Treasurer
If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact any FAW Board Member or come to our General Meeting the fourth Saturday of every month except July and December.
Board Chairs and Members – If you have questions, suggestions, or want to volunteer, contact:
Hospitality: Anita Tosh
Central Board Representative: Evelyn LaTorre
NorCal Representitive: Evelyn LaTorre
Membership Chair: Anita Tosh
Publicity: Knuti VanHoven
Book Exchange: Anita Tosh
Newsletter: Nancy Guarnera
Newsletter Liaison: Knuti VanHoven
Community Outreach: Urmila Patel
Historian: Bob Garfinkle
Signage: Art Carey
Flyers : Nancy Guarnera
Literary Salon: Tony Pino
Social Write-in: Tish Davidson
Sound Equipment: Paul Davis/Robert Cabello/Terry Tosh
Facebook Coord/Admin: Amber Deann
Webmaster: Scott Davidson